BossCode Solutions
Before You Continue...You're only going to see this page once (ever), so please read every word
7 Day Guarantee
No question asked 7 day refund guaranteed. If you are unhappy for any reason, get your money back. Rock solid guarantee.
Secure Payment
All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy.
A 60minute call with us to start the set-up process, connect your main integrations and understand your branding
Properly set-up your account and make it 'student/client ready'
Create a custom site name or sub-domain
Connect all integrations including Stripe, PayPal, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google My Business, Calendar
Fully brand your site in your branding with your colours and logo
Connect an existing website if you have one with our WordPress plug-in
Add admin users
Help you set-up your managers admin app on your phone
Set-up your appointment bookings (we will add a 15min appointment, a 60min and a 90min appt for you, complete with pre-written confirmation, reminder and follow up emails)
Add and upload ONE course for you (up to 150 lessons)
Create a custom course landing page/sales page for your course (you provide the copy/course description, we will tweak it)
Create a student welcome/check in email automation to follow up with your students for you
Connect your reviews link to increase the reviews you get
Put your Facebook ads tracking pixel on your site